Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Join us for the next Google Workshop for Educators
Saturday, December 4th, 2010
@ TIES Technology Conference

Hyatt Regency Hotel
Minneapolis, MN
Bring your own Laptop

Join us for the first Google Apps for Education Workshop
Sunday, December 5th, 2010
@ TIES Technology Conference

Hyatt Regency Hotel
Minneapolis, MN
Bring your own Laptop

We can bring the Google Workshop for Education or the Google Apps for Education Workshop to you or your school district!
Please fill out this form to bring this professional development opportunity to you!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Newest Collaborative Experience

Using Images in the Classroom!

This presentation grew out of a conversation with a colleague that stressed the importance of having concrete strategies for the classroom that they could use with their IWB. The desire was to get past the bells and whistles and use real stuff that actually resulted in academic gains.

Although you can use these strategies without interactive white boards, these proven strategies should be an easy entry point for IWB users. If someone is struggling to authentically use their IWB, an image is a natural first step.

What are some innovative ways you use images and graphics in your classrooms?

*Make sure you open the speaker notes to see notes about each page.

Please add your strategies. Use as many slides as you need.